To enquire about a place at Happy Days then Please click the button below

Our sessions, session times and cost are as follows

2 Years
2 Years
8am to
12:30 noon
1:30 to
Short Day9am to
Full Day8am to
12:30 to


  • An extended Lunch Hour session can be added to either a AM or PM session. 
  • Fees are invoiced monthly in advance and payment is required by the end of the month
  • The Nursery is open 51 weeks a year Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm. It is closed bank holidays and the week of Christmas. Fees are still charged for sessions on bank holidays and the week of Christmas. Fees are also applied if your child is on holiday or misses a session through sickness

What’s included in the Fees.

There are no hidden extra fees for activities, cookery or art/education material. The fees include

  • Healthy snacks twice a day. Typically these consist of fresh fruit, finger vegetables, crackers, rice cakes, raisins etc. 
  • Yoga, Dance and Music lessons from Balance Yoga, Dance Moves Brighton and Music with Mike – or any other classes or special activities we arrange (such as Zoolab or Reptila)
  • Water based Nappy Wipes (please supply your own if your own if you have special requirements)

A few things are not included

  • Any prepared meals. Children must bring in lunch boxes. See the pages on lunches for more information
  • Nappies. We have some emergency ones, but you will need to provide your own.
  • Nappy cream
  • Sun cream if you have a preference

The above funding hours are for 38 weeks per year (Term Time Only attendance) For children attending all year the number of funded hours per week is either 11 Hours or 22 Hours per week respectively. To summarise.

All three and four year olds are from the term after their third birthdays, are eligible for early years free entitlement (EYFE) Universal funding – 15 hours a week for 38 weeks per year (term-time only) or 11 hours/week if stretched over the full year. 

Some two year olds, whose families are in receipt of government support are eligible for 15 EYFE funded hours per week term-time only (or 570 stretched over the year), they can apply locally for this here: Childcare support for 2 year olds (

The government has expanded the working parent entitlement for all children aged over 9 months to 15 hours term time only (11 stretched). To check your eligibility and for further information go to the government website

For three and four year olds then some children maybe entitled to 30 funded hours a week (38 weeks per year – term-time only attendance). This is consists of 15 hours Universal Funding plus 15 hours Working Parent funding.  For children attending all year the total funded hours 22 hours per week, To check your eligibility and for further information go to the government website

If It is your first time (or term) applying for EYFE funding at Happy Days you can download the application form via this link below

You need to apply for Funding each term. If you have already received Funding in a previous term, then you can use this short form version of the EYFE application form to apply for Funding in the next term.

Entitlement 15Hrs/week

  • Term Time Only (38 weeks/year) – 15/hrs week
  • Stretched all year care (52 weeks/year) – 11/hrs week

Entitlement 30Hrs/week

  • Term Time Only (38 weeks/year) – 30/hrs week
  • Stretched all year care (52 weeks/year) – 22/hrs week
  • We don’t place any limits how many funded hours can be used per day – so no forcing you to purchase additional wraparound hours to make up a full session
  • When you exhaust your funded hours but wish to purchase additional hours to make up full session we charge the additional hours pro rata at our published rates – no elevated fees for extra hours not covered by the funded hours.
  • We have flexible options so you can use all your funded hours without need to purchase additional hours to make up a normal session time. For example:

15 or 30 Funded hours can be fully consumed using the following sessions

  • Multiple AM sessions plus short lunch 8am to 1pm  – 5 funded hours consumed
  • Multiple PM sessions plus short lunch 1pm to 6pm – 5 funded hours consumed
  • Multiple Short Day Sessions – 6 Hours funded hours consumed
  • Multiple Full Day sessions 8am to 6pm – 10 funded hours consumed.
  • Or combinations of above

11 or 22 Funded hours can be fully consumed using the following sessions

  • Multiple AM sessions plus lunch 8am to 1:30pm  – 5.5 funded hours consumed
  • Multiple PM sessions plus lunch 12:30pm to 6pm – 5.5 funded hours consumed
  • Multiple Short Day Sessions 9am to 3pm – 6 funded hours consumed
  • Multiple Full Day sessions 8am to 6pm – 10 funded hours consumed.
  • Or combinations of above

Funding notes

These sessions are available Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)

We require 4 weeks notice if you you intend to leave the Nursery

Part sessions are not available, so a child with 22/hrs funded a week attending two full days (20 hours in total) could not use the remaining 2 hours to attend just 2 hours of any other session. However, these 2 hours could part fund a AM, PM or Full Day session with the remaining unfunded hours charged pro rata at our published day rates. 

Once all funded hours are allocated additional sessions are available at our published list price.

If you need more hours than funded, then we automatically ensure all Funded hours are allocated first and you only pay for the additional hours over and above the funded hours. 

A word of caution – if you wait until your child is 3 or nearly 3 years to seek a funded nursery place then you may not get the sessions you require. Typically when someone enquires about a place for a 3 year old then no sessions will be available until other children attending the Nursery leave for School in September. For example; if your child is entitled to Funding in the April, there are unlikely to be any sessions available until the following September.


We take all the common workplace vouchers and can normally accommodate any new schemes.

Tax Free Childcare

  • For working families, including the self-employed, in the UK
  • Earning under £100k and at least £152 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage) each
  • Who aren’t receiving Tax Credits, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers
  • With children aged 0-11 (or 0-16 if disabled)
  • For every £8 you pay into an online account, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2,000 per child per year

Payments to the Nursery for your sessions are made via this government managed online account.For further information go to the government’s